Post CH AG
100 years of the Cancer League
Graphic design

The special stamp ‘100 Years of the Cancer League’ is based on a triptych, a three-panel painting. 
The word ‘leben’ / ‘vivere’ / ‘vivre’ (live) is written in the three national languages on the middle, largest panel. The word ‘gemeinsam’ / ‘insieme’ / ‘commun’ (together) is written in the three languages on the left-hand panel, and the word ‘Kraft’ / ‘forza’ / ‘force’ (power) is written in the three languages on the right-hand panel.

These three words were written by a variety of people, aged between 10 and 82, healthy and sick. Each of these written words contains the energy of a person with their own difficult or carefree story. I deliberately excluded myself from this process and do not know which handwriting belongs to which person.
By layering the individual words, which were written in a frail or strong, determined or uncertain way, a ‘force’ was created, a shared energy.